The Thomas Love Peacock Society
presents a


at Hadleys Hotel, Hobart,
on Saturday, July 6, from 8.00 a.m.

   The cost for each person is $22.00 for conference delegates (and $27.00 for others).
   The breakfast will include a video presentation from Prof. Nicholas A. Joukovsky, the world's leading Peacockian scholar, on "The Two Voices in 'The Four Ages of Poetry'." Peacock's humorous, provocative and rhetorically wonderful "Four Ages of Poetry" inspired P.B. Shelley to write the more famous "Defence of Poetry." Both these works (with many references to Peacock in "A Defence of Poetry" which Mary Shelley had allowed to be excised, reinserted) are available (in HTML) on the T L Peacock web-site.

   Please book by e-mail:-
            breakfast at;

   or telephone Informal, after business hours, on (03) 6234 2832.

   If you wish to attend this seminar, it is absolutely essential that you make a booking by Friday.

   This breakfast is part of the International Conference on T.L. Peacock at the University of Tasmania from 4-7 July, 2002.

the Thomas Love Peacock Society